02. The hall of ‘retiree’ sales

The white hall was cold and unfriendly, especially for a former public servant used to be frequently and actively socially involved and occasionally pampered. Bob was stuck between a German old gentleman and a young Asian lad.

“Dis is nix das right place for me,” the old German complained all the time. Bob said nothing while the Sian guy mumbled something nobody understood. Not from lack of foreign languages -especially Asian, but because Bob found out lately that his hearing wasn’t doing so well. The right side, precisely the side the young Asian was. Old age and all that.

Regretfully with the old German on his left side, he wished he were deaf on his left ear. “I was ze old man’s drive. Living in a great house wit private rom only for me.” And on and on the German was getting on Bob’s nerves but soon the old man left and a younger version of the German family appeared in his place. He lasted only two days. It seems that Germans are favoured in this country and a day after it was the Asian lad’s turn to departure this time replaced by a local guy all yellow and blue. “SAAB,” he said loudly and smugly making sure that everybody in the white hall heard him.

Bob ignored him just like he had ignored the German guy or that weird English man in the past. And “SAAB” went and then late one evening, just before closing time Bob went for test drive!

Read all the chapters in order, HERE!

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